Residents win case against illegal Developer

Taming illegal land change of user in Syokimau
The residents of Syokimau (Kiungani Road) Unique court supported by the SRA Legal Team have gallantly been involved in a vicious court battle with a business owner who illegally changed us of her plot inside the court from Low-density residential to Commercial use (Hardware).
Under the auspices of SRA, the residents of Unique court tried their best to engage with the developer but all in vain. They resolved that the only way was to go to court. SRA affirmed this and sourced for a lawyer who is conversant with the problem of illegal change of use in Syokimau. As the case progressed the residents also wanted to put a gate for their court and this developer boldly went to court to stop it and succeeded in getting an injunction(SIC). This is illegal as the residents are entitled to their security including erecting a gate. Our Lawyer appealed against the injunctions and we are happy to report that the higher court has quashed the injunction and the appeal is successful (See judgement below). The unique court can finally put up their gate and proceed with the legal process of ejecting the developer from their court.
This is yet another win and a perfect precedent for the residents. SRA Legal team wishes to encourage other courts who have similar situations within their court that this fight can be won. On Kiungani road alone 3 court cases have been won and the fight continues. In the foregoing, the SRA Environment and legal teams wish to ask the residents of the following.

  1. When an EIA Meeting is called all residents surrounding the proposed development come out and participate. This is very crucial should the matter end up in court.
  2. That should any court face a difficult developer as it is the case with unique court (Kiungani Road) SRA advises that we take advantage of the goodwill that we enjoy from the judicial system. Our courts have been very instrumental in our quest to protect our environment
    The fight continues. SRA with the support of the residents shall not relent. SRA needs your support to keep Syokimau safe and secure. Without your support, SRA can not achieve much. Aluta continua.

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